The 28th May session at Bat was quite a fun filled event! We started out with our month end clip submissions and saw an array of excellent work of 3D Max, Photoshop by a number of animation and art enthusiasts. Imran, a member at BAT whose work has been selected for Srijan is an extremely talented modeler and texturing artist and his work totally overwhelmed us!
Next we did a short flipbook session dividing ourselves into two groups. We experimented in a different fashion where we took up just one concept and worked in unison on the props in each frame instead of making different flipbooks. This really worked for us because we were in perfect sync and harmony with the scene and its progress in every aspect.
Our final session was a basic introductory lesson of FLASH MACROMEDIA by a 13-year-old student- Aradhana Shodhan. Despite her age, it was quite commendable to see her handling the strength of about 11 of us perfectly well. She showed us various shortcuts over which her trained fingers moved nimbly, and without faltering. Effects like twinkling stars, masking, animation of ball, ripple effects were created with ease and quick speed.
Overall an excellent trip with journey to the world of flipbooks, 3D Max in a Flash, to sum up was how we spent our lovely summer afternoon at BAT on 28th May!! :)